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#Biofuels #e-mobility
April 2018

Synthetic fuels, fighting emissions pending the electric car revolution

Gas, diesel and petrol produced in laboratories using renewable energy, hydrogen and Co2. For Giuseppe Nigliaccio, an engineer working at the Bologna ENEA Centre, the perfect example are fuels using "power-to-gas" technology to produce synthetic methane
Dino Collazzo
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December 2017

Bio-fuel, sustainable fuel from waste recycling. Here is Europe’s strategy

The use of bio-fuels in the transport sector keeps growing at a steady pace. Meanwhile, European institutions are working to find an agreement on the Commission's proposal to reform the Renewable Energy Directive (Red). At the same time, multinationals and start-ups are investing in innovation and technology to create "fossil free" fuels.
Dino Collazzo

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#Biofuels #e-mobility
March 2017

Full Hybrid systems edging-forward; ease of maintenance the added value

There are several hybrid systems around, and unlike popular opinions in the past, plug-in hybrid cars are losing ground to full hybrid vehicles which are gaining consistent shares of the market, despite some initial mistrust. However, these new power units are also proving to be more economical and efficient in terms of maintenance and repair.
Paolo Ferrini

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